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SEK Chile International School – Chile

Admission Processes - General Information

At SEK International School Chile, the admission processes are individual and personalized with each of the families and each one of the applicants. These processes are carried out at different times of the year:

  • Pre-kindergarten: Mainly between the months of March and April. (See below the detail for this process).
  • Playgroup: Mainly between the months of August and September. (See below the detail for this process).
  • Kinder to 12th grade: Between the months of October and December. (See below for these processes).

SEK Chile considers it essential that siblings be educated in the same school, therefore it gives priority to the brothers or sisters of students, the sons or daughters of former students (graduates), students from other centers belonging to the SEK Institution International and the sons or daughters of members of the staff.

Required document

  • Original birth certificate. For the enrolment to the different courses or levels, applicants must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of Chile.
  • Photocopy of identity card of both parents. It is used to corroborate the data in documents with the application form, registration and registration, issuance of certificates, etc.
  • Application fee: $50,000 (Fifty thousand Chilean pesos).

Documents of students who come from abroad:

Foreigners must present the last two academic reports corresponding to the studies carried out outside of Chile. These documents must be handed in at SEK Chile and previously legalized in the country of origin where they must be stamped with La Haya apostille. If the country of origin has an educational agreement with Chile, parents must present the documents at the offices of the Ministry of Education of Chile, for the processing and validation of the studies carried out in the country of origin.

If the country of origin does not have an educational agreement with Chile, a study validation process must be carried out through SEK Chile.

If the student does not have their Chilean identification document (RUN), the family must request the IPE (Provisional Educational Identifier) ​​at an office of the Ministry of Education or Citizen Services. Subsequently, they must deliver this document at SEK Chile.

The application process ensures that the admitted student can benefit from the existing plans and programs, as well as function adequately in the physical environment that we have.

Application process according to course or level

Pre Kínder

This process will take place between the months of March and May 2024 (interviews with families and assessment of applicants).

Children who will start Prekindergarten in 2025 must be 4 years old by March 31, 2025.

The number of available places for new families for Prekindergarten 2025 is:

  • 60 places.
  • 25 places for the waiting list.

Before applying (assessment), parents must request an informative interview by clicking on REQUEST INTERVIEW, a link that will be enabled on March 5, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. (continental Chile time) and will accept requests until the 60 plus 25 places mentioned above are filled.

Personalized interview with parents and/or guardians: between the months of March and May 2024.

The interview will be scheduled by phone or email with parents, guardians, or legal tutors.

This interview will be conducted in person.

SEK Chile establishes principles that aim to promote the comprehensive development of students and, for this, requires the commitment of all members of the community, especially mothers/fathers and/or guardians. Therefore, in the interview, intended for new families, coherence between the family’s expectations and the School’s mission, the educational project (click here to learn about the educational project), and understanding and adherence to its values will be observed. This instance is also useful for clarifying any doubts and touring the facilities.

Student assessments

These will be conducted in small groups between the months of March and May.

The entire application process is done in person and personalized. The evaluation involves observing aspects at the psycho-cognitive level in areas related to comprehensive and expressive language, fine and gross motor skills, socio-emotional aspects, degrees of autonomy according to the stage of development, etc.

On the day of the evaluation, families must submit all required documentation and complete the corresponding application forms. The approximate duration of the evaluation is 30 to 40 minutes.

Result Delivery

The results of the student’s admission process will be communicated to parents or legal guardians preferably via telephone or email, within 5 business days after the completion of the evaluation of the applicants.

Upon completion of the evaluation of all Playgroup applicants, the list of admitted students will be posted on the last business day of May on an informative board in the school’s reception area.

Once the results have been communicated to each family, the school commits to hold the place for 48 hours from the time the admission result was informed.

After the 48 hours have passed, the school will make the vacancy available if the payment of the annual enrollment fee and membership has not been formalized.


This process will take place between August and September 2024 (interviews with families and evaluation of applicants).

Children starting Playgroup in 2025 must be 3 years old by March 31, 2025.

The number of openings for new families at the Playgroup 2025 level is for 20 boys and girls, with 15 additional spots available on a waiting list. The link REQUEST AN INTERVIEW will be available from August 2, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. Requests will only be accepted through the indicated link until the 35 spots mentioned here are filled.

Once the interview requests are received, we will contact you by phone to coordinate the informational interview, which only parents must attend.

Personalized interview with parents and/or guardians: between the months of August, September, and October 2024.

The interview will be scheduled by phone or email with parents, guardians, or legal tutors.

This interview will be conducted in person.

SEK Chile establishes principles that aim to promote the comprehensive development of students and, for this, requires the commitment of all members of the community, especially mothers/fathers and/or guardians. Therefore, in the interview, intended for new families, coherence between the family’s expectations and the School’s mission, the educational project (click here to learn about the educational project), and understanding and adherence to its values will be observed. This instance is also useful for clarifying any doubts and touring the facilities.

Student Evaluation

It will be carried out in small groups between the months of August and October or until the available places are filled.

The entire application process is done in person and personalized. The evaluation involves observing aspects at the psycho-cognitive level in areas related to comprehensive and expressive language, fine and gross motor skills, socio-emotional aspects, degrees of autonomy according to the stage of development, etc.

On the day of the evaluation, families must submit all required documentation and complete the corresponding application forms. The approximate duration of the evaluation is 30 to 40 minutes.

Result Delivery

The result of the student’s admission process will be communicated to parents or legal guardians preferably via telephone or email, within 5 business days after the completion of the evaluation of the applicants.

Upon completion of the evaluation of all Playgroup applicants, the list of admitted students will be published on the last business day of October on an informative board in the school’s reception area.

Once the results have been communicated to each family, the school commits to hold the spot for 48 hours from the time the admission result was informed.

After the 48 hours have passed, the school will make the place available if the payment of the annual enrollment fee and membership has not been formalized.

From Kinder to 12th grade

Information regarding openings for 2025 from Kindergarten onwards will be available after October 15, 2024.

The announced places will be filled once the admission process is completed with each of the applicants who have successfully passed the admission exams.

Requests for interviews should be sent to the email, a process that will take place between October and December 2024 or until places are filled at different levels.

Requests for interviews will be subject to confirmation of the vacancy at the time of the informational interview with the parents.

Interview with Parents and/or Guardians

These interviews take place between the months of October and December, depending on the availability of vacancies. The interview is scheduled either by phone or email with the parents, guardians, or responsible tutors. This instance may be conducted in person or remotely.

The objective of the interview is to get to know the family of the applicants, and that they in turn may have greater knowledge of our educational project (click to see the document) and make the queries that seem pertinent to them.

SEK Chile establishes principles that seek to promote the comprehensive development of students and, for this, requires the commitment of all the actors in the community, and especially that of mothers/fathers and/or guardians. That is why in the interview, aimed at new families, the coherence between the expectations of the family and the mission of the school, the educational project and the understanding and adherence to its values ​​will be observed.


They will be held between the months of October and December or until places are filled.

The application process (assessments and interviews with applicants) is carried out in person.

Applicants will be summoned to be assessed in the areas of language, mathematics and English, in addition to an interview with the psychologist and/or heads of study. On the day of the assessment, families must hand in all the required documentation and complete the corresponding application forms.

The minimum expected performance on academic tests is 60% achievement in each area. If, due to the difference in the curriculum with the school of origin, the applicant does not reach the percentage(s) established in the admission criteria, the school will review their particular situation.

Applicants from the age of 10 must know how to read, write and speak in Spanish, and those who apply from Kindergarten to the fourth grade, it is advisable that they have an instrumental command of Spanish.

Approximate duration of the evaluation process 2 hours and a half to three hours.

Delivery of results

The result of the student’s admission process is communicated to the parents or legal guardians by telephone or email 5 business days after the assessment of the applicants is completed.

Once the assessment of all the applicants has concluded, the list of admitted students will be published on the last business day of December on an information panel at the school reception.

Once the results have been communicated to each family, the school agrees to keep the place for 48 hours from the date the admission result was reported. After 48 hours the school will have the vacancy in case of not having formalized the payment of the annual registration and the Membership.

Leave us your information and we will contact you.

José Alegría Grandón – Director of Admission.


Tlf.: +56 2 2212 7116 – +56 2 2211 4471

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